Health & Fitness

9 Sexual Hygiene Tips For Better Sex With Your Partner

As much as sex is euphoric it is equally messy. Therefore, maintaining personal sexual hygiene is extremely important. Contrary to common perception, the process of sexual hygiene does not only include the basic scrubbing or bathing activities but also includes communication with partners, if analyzed from a broader perspective.

9 Basic Sexual Hygiene Tips For Better Sex

Here are some of the basic sexual hygiene tips for better sex that every man needs to follow:

Sexual Hygiene Tips
Sexual Hygiene Tips

1. Talk it out with your partner

As mentioned earlier, having quality communication is a prerequisite for maintaining sexual hygiene. When you talk about certain sexual health issues such as anticipatory anxiety or STDs, you not only become more comfortable with your partner during the sexual intercourse but also allow your relationship to grow and develop.

2. Washing down there is important

Similar to the skin in any region of your body, the skin in the genital region needs to be washed at least once a day. However, it is very important to wash the area thoroughly after you have had sexual intercourse. Although it won’t be completely helpful in preventing the spread of infections, it will certainly help you maintain some form of hygiene and reduce the chances of transmission. 

If you’re uncircumcised, then you need to keep the foreskin region clean and wiping away any sort of residue. It’s necessary to wipe it out because extensive accumulation can cause the production of bacteria which can increase the risk of sexually transmitted disease.

3. Get your body checked

A routine physical exam once every six months is recommended because that will keep your body on track. However, you need to be honest and comfortable with your doctor and be very transparent regarding your sexual history. If you are sexually active, then getting STD tests is highly recommended, even if you’ve been using them as protection. 

4. Shaving pubic hair might not be a completely good choice

Over the years, people have been struggling to decide whether to completely shave off their pubic hair or not. Women are more likely to shave them off completely, while men are often subject to more trimming. Nevertheless, pubic hair is not all too bad. Pubic hair helps in keeping your testicles warm and clean, and steer off any sort of bacteria. In addition, they also ensure comfort during sexual intercourse. Believe it or not, the presence of your pubic hair and armpit hair induces the production of pheromones, which helps another person get attracted to you. 

5. Keep an eye on your stuff

This is one of the most important sexual hygiene habits for men. Keeping an eye on your penis and testicles will help you be more aware of any sort of irregularities or health issues. You need to keep an eye for warts, blisters, sores, bumps and redness. Apart from this, just pay attention to anything else that seems strange to you and immediately bring that to the attention of your doctor. The presence of any irregularity can increase the possibility of STDs, cancer and other serious health issues. Although not all sores or bumps are serious and life-threatening, it’s important to report any abnormality to your doctor. 

6. Pay attention to your partner’s ‘stuff’ as well

This is also one of the most important sexual hygiene tips for better sex which unfortunately is often ignored. If you’re extremely close to your partner, then you can check each other out for any sign or possibility of abnormality and irregularity in the body. This can give your partner a heads up and also bring you guys closer than ever. Even when everything appears to be fine, it is recommended to get a check-up once every six months. 

7. Use of protection can prevent any sort of damage

Although it’s quite obvious, using a condom in sexual activity is strongly advised because it will prevent any sort of tearing and bleeding during the activity. When no protection is used during vaginal or anal sex, there is some level of skin tearing even though it is microscopic. Even microscopic tearing can accelerate the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

8. Simple cleaning

One of the most frequent questions that men ask is how to clean up after sex. Certainly, it’s not rocket science, just keep it simple. All you need to do is, clean your body down there once a day and after some intense sweaty activities. You can use soap and water for this. You don’t need to search for some expensive high-end products made up of some of the exotic ingredients. More often than not, such products can also irritate and be the root of some serious sexual health issues. Therefore, it is important to not go beyond basic and simple cleaning activities than required. Be that as it may, one needs to keep in mind that no matter how much you clean your body down there, there will be some amount of odor left, which is completely normal. So, you don’t have to be conscious or ashamed of it in any case. 

9. Change your underwear

Again, this is also a very obvious one but, unfortunately, neglected as well. It is important to change your underwear daily to prevent any development of infections, odor or irritation. In addition, if you’ve had an intense workout session at the gym or a sweaty day altogether, you must change your underwear two times a day. Make sure that you prefer cotton over any other quality of cloth because cotton allows more air and ensures comfort. However, if you have an athletic and sportive life, it is important to wear underwear that is more moisture-absorbing. 

In addition to the quality of underwear, remember to shop for looser fits because it enhances proper functioning and ensures breathability. If your underwear is too tight, it can induce overheating which can cause fertility problems and increase the risk of infection. These are some of the basic sexual hygiene tips for better sex that shouldn’t be ignored by men under any circumstances. 

Also Read: 8 Personal Hygiene Tips That Every Man Should Follow

9 Sexual Hygiene Tips For Better Sex With Your Partner


As much as sex is euphoric it is equally messy. Therefore, maintaining personal sexual hygiene is extremely important. Contrary to common perception, the process of sexual hygiene does not only include the basic scrubbing or bathing activities but also includes communication with partners, if analyzed from a broader perspective.

9 Basic Sexual Hygiene Tips For Better Sex

Here are some of the basic sexual hygiene tips for better sex that every man needs to follow:

Sexual Hygiene Tips
Sexual Hygiene Tips

1. Talk it out with your partner

As mentioned earlier, having quality communication is a prerequisite for maintaining sexual hygiene. When you talk about certain sexual health issues such as anticipatory anxiety or STDs, you not only become more comfortable with your partner during the sexual intercourse but also allow your relationship to grow and develop.

2. Washing down there is important

Similar to the skin in any region of your body, the skin in the genital region needs to be washed at least once a day. However, it is very important to wash the area thoroughly after you have had sexual intercourse. Although it won’t be completely helpful in preventing the spread of infections, it will certainly help you maintain some form of hygiene and reduce the chances of transmission. 

If you’re uncircumcised, then you need to keep the foreskin region clean and wiping away any sort of residue. It’s necessary to wipe it out because extensive accumulation can cause the production of bacteria which can increase the risk of sexually transmitted disease.

3. Get your body checked

A routine physical exam once every six months is recommended because that will keep your body on track. However, you need to be honest and comfortable with your doctor and be very transparent regarding your sexual history. If you are sexually active, then getting STD tests is highly recommended, even if you’ve been using them as protection. 

4. Shaving pubic hair might not be a completely good choice

Over the years, people have been struggling to decide whether to completely shave off their pubic hair or not. Women are more likely to shave them off completely, while men are often subject to more trimming. Nevertheless, pubic hair is not all too bad. Pubic hair helps in keeping your testicles warm and clean, and steer off any sort of bacteria. In addition, they also ensure comfort during sexual intercourse. Believe it or not, the presence of your pubic hair and armpit hair induces the production of pheromones, which helps another person get attracted to you. 

5. Keep an eye on your stuff

This is one of the most important sexual hygiene habits for men. Keeping an eye on your penis and testicles will help you be more aware of any sort of irregularities or health issues. You need to keep an eye for warts, blisters, sores, bumps and redness. Apart from this, just pay attention to anything else that seems strange to you and immediately bring that to the attention of your doctor. The presence of any irregularity can increase the possibility of STDs, cancer and other serious health issues. Although not all sores or bumps are serious and life-threatening, it’s important to report any abnormality to your doctor. 

6. Pay attention to your partner’s ‘stuff’ as well

This is also one of the most important sexual hygiene tips for better sex which unfortunately is often ignored. If you’re extremely close to your partner, then you can check each other out for any sign or possibility of abnormality and irregularity in the body. This can give your partner a heads up and also bring you guys closer than ever. Even when everything appears to be fine, it is recommended to get a check-up once every six months. 

7. Use of protection can prevent any sort of damage

Although it’s quite obvious, using a condom in sexual activity is strongly advised because it will prevent any sort of tearing and bleeding during the activity. When no protection is used during vaginal or anal sex, there is some level of skin tearing even though it is microscopic. Even microscopic tearing can accelerate the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

8. Simple cleaning

One of the most frequent questions that men ask is how to clean up after sex. Certainly, it’s not rocket science, just keep it simple. All you need to do is, clean your body down there once a day and after some intense sweaty activities. You can use soap and water for this. You don’t need to search for some expensive high-end products made up of some of the exotic ingredients. More often than not, such products can also irritate and be the root of some serious sexual health issues. Therefore, it is important to not go beyond basic and simple cleaning activities than required. Be that as it may, one needs to keep in mind that no matter how much you clean your body down there, there will be some amount of odor left, which is completely normal. So, you don’t have to be conscious or ashamed of it in any case. 

9. Change your underwear

Again, this is also a very obvious one but, unfortunately, neglected as well. It is important to change your underwear daily to prevent any development of infections, odor or irritation. In addition, if you’ve had an intense workout session at the gym or a sweaty day altogether, you must change your underwear two times a day. Make sure that you prefer cotton over any other quality of cloth because cotton allows more air and ensures comfort. However, if you have an athletic and sportive life, it is important to wear underwear that is more moisture-absorbing. 

In addition to the quality of underwear, remember to shop for looser fits because it enhances proper functioning and ensures breathability. If your underwear is too tight, it can induce overheating which can cause fertility problems and increase the risk of infection. These are some of the basic sexual hygiene tips for better sex that shouldn’t be ignored by men under any circumstances. 

Also Read: 8 Personal Hygiene Tips That Every Man Should Follow